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CLEF 2024 SimpleText

SimpleText is a track organised as a part of CLEF 2024 conference, initiated by CLEF initiative.

SimpleText@CLEF-2024 Program

Home Call for papers Important dates Tasks Tools
Program Publications Organizers Contact CLEF-2023

SimpleText Track sessions takes place in Room 2 (IMAG Auditorium) except for the plenary CLEF conference sessions in Room 1 (MaCI Amphitheatre).

Monday 9th September

Conference Session 1 NLU and Document Analysis (Room 1)

Lab Overviews 1 (Room 1)

SimpleText Session 1 (Room 2)

SimpleText Session 2 (Room 2)

Tuesday 10th September

SimpleText Session 3 (Room 2)

Abstract: The goal of the new TREC 2024 PLABA track is to improve health literacy by adapting biomedical abstracts for the general public using plain language. The track is coordinated by Brian Ondov (Yale), Dina Demner-Fushman (NIH), and Hoa Dang (NIST). Details of the track are on the Track Web Page.

SimpleText Session 4 (Room 2)

Wednesday 11th September

Conference Session 3 (Room 1): Datasets

Thursday 12th September

Conference Session 4 (Room 1): In-Context Evaluation and Retrieval

Closing and Introduction of CLEF 2025 (Room 1)

All CLEF 2024 SimpleText track papers

Including authors unable to present in-person or online:

SimpleText Lab: Improving Access to Scientific Texts for Everyone